If you think identity theft can never happen to you, think again. According to the Federal Trade Commission, millions of individuals have their identities stolen every year. Identity theft can be terrifying, to say the least. Knowing what steps to take to regain your identity, however, can help you recover your life and protect your assets.
Report Identity Theft to the Authorities - The first step towards recovery is to report this crime to the authorities, i.e. the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and your local police. You can find an FTC ID theft affidavit form on the FTC website. At the same time, alert your local police. Be sure to keep a copy of all documents you send to the FTC and the police report as these can be used to dispute fraudulent claims against you.
Notify Creditors and Bank – Next, notify your bank(s) and creditors of the crime. Any accounts that have been compromised should be shut down. You'd also do well to change all passwords on your bank accounts to protect your assets. By moving quickly to report this crime, you can minimize your losses.
Place a Fraud Alert on Your Credit Report – Get in touch with your credit report agency and have them place a fraud alert on your credit report. This protects you against fraudulent activity showing up on your report. If you haven't been diligent in monitoring your credit reports in the past, now would be a good time to start to protect your financial standing.
Replace Driver's License – To be on the safe side, apply for a new driver's license as the thief may be using your old one for ID purposes. While you're at it, notify your phone and utility company about the theft to thwart any attempts by the thief to open a fraudulent account using your name.
By acting quickly and staying diligent to protect your interests, you will soon be on the road to recovery.
For more information about identity theft, contact Adam Alexander today.
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